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The Chestnut Paes (CP) Professional Certification Program develops professionals’ capacities to use the Enneagram in their work to successfully assess, develop, and support individuals and groups.
The Chestnut Paes (CP) Professional Certification Program develops professionals’ capacities to use the Enneagram in their work to successfully assess, develop, and support individuals and groups.
This certification signals to the Enneagram community that the CP Enneagram Academy (or The Academy) certified practitioner uses the highest quality and latest Enneagram theory and practices and applies the system in ethical, professional, and mindful ways. The following Terms and Conditions define the terms between the CP Enneagram Academy and the Student entering into the professional certification track.
The Academy will deliver a rigorous program that educates the Student on the professional use of the Enneagram and requires that the teachers and staff of CP Enneagram evaluate the level of Enneagram knowledge and ability of the Student. This program, however, does not certify that the Student has the necessary competency to coach, do therapy, or lead and influence people, in general, as the focus of this program is the application of the Enneagram system.
Confidentiality will be held within the CP Enneagram Academy staff, which includes Beatrice Chestnut, Uranio Paes, the Student’s assigned supervising coach, staff therapists at CP events, and all staff, including our administrative and support staff. Information will be shared scarcely within this team and will only be discussed on a “need to know” basis.
All materials, of any kind, which is developed by The Academy and disclosed during the program are copyright-owned by The Academy. It means that any and all use, total or partial copy, or disclosure of the materials by the Student is forbidden and it will be considered an intellectual property violation subject to judicial measures to safeguard The Academy’s rights. This also applies to the use of trademarks and logos owned by The Academy. During the program, the Student will be advised which materials are permitted to be used outside and towards third parties and, then, the Student will be asked to sign the terms of participation and expectations as well as the Academy’s code of conduct.
The completion of the Program will be achieved by participation in all of the activities mentioned below, satisfactory completion of all assignments, and passing grades on all assessments. By acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, Students understand that the professional certification will be only issued after the completion of the Program and it may be required that Student review and repeat one or more activities in order to assure their qualification to receive the professional certification.
a) Attendance and Full Participation
Full participation is defined by attendance for the full duration of the course, without exceptions.
- Workshop: Developing Powerful Enneagram Skills (offered online, twice per year. Availability and pricing can be found here).
- Workshop: Providing Effective Enneagram Solutions (offered online, twice per year. Availability and pricing can be found here).
- One of two Inner Work Retreats: The Experiential Enneagram (offered in-person and online. Availability, locations, and pricing can be found here) OR The Psychological Enneagram (offered in-person and online. Availability, locations, and pricing can be found here).
- Learning Labs and Skill-Up Seminars: Students will be required to join at least two (02) Learning Labs and one (01) Skill-Up Seminar per year. Learning Labs will be opportunities for students to workshop their assignments with staff supervision.
- Skill-Up Seminars: Students will be required to join at least three (03) Skill-Up Seminars per year. These will be opportunities for students to hear about a specific topic related to using the Enneagram professionally (e.g. how to present the Enneagram in corporate settings or how to use Enneagram typing assessments effectively).
b) Assessments and Assignments
All specific assignment guidelines are in the corresponding section of the program page. Written assignments will not be formally graded, but the content will be assessed for quality and full completion. If the quality is unsatisfactory, Students will be asked to revise it or complete additional assignments. Those assessments and assignments are:
- Client Reports: Students must submit three (03) client reports to The Academy.
- Case Studies: Students may complete case studies individually or in a group of up to three people. When a Student works alone to complete its case studies requirement, CP will require that the Student submits eight (08) completed case studies. If a Student works in a group, they will be required to submit ten (10) case studies to fulfill their case studies requirement. Students who work in groups will submit just one copy of each case study.
- Typing Interviews Summary and Recording: One (01) summary of the ten (10) interviews and a recorded video interview submitted to The Academy.
- Post-Retreat Essay: Students will submit an essay on how the inner work done during the retreat impacts them and their professional work.
- Program Conclusion Essay: Students will submit a summary of the inner work done and also the professional development using Enneagram.
- Completed Assessments with a Passing Grade: Throughout this program trajectory, Students will be required to complete lessons, which will contain quizzes, a final test, and other assessments throughout. Students will be required to pass these at 80% (eighty percent) accuracy to graduate from the Program.
c) Nine (09) sessions with your Supervising Coach
These can be taken at any time and may be scheduled depending on when the Student takes each course. It is recommended that the Student paces them throughout the program and schedule them ahead of time with the Supervising Coach to stay on track. The cost of these is $125 per session, paid directly to the Supervising Coach. At least four (04) of those sessions will be used for supervision of the assignments that have to be sent at least three (03) days prior to the session.
The Student agrees to the steps summarized above and the estimated costs of:
a) Registration. This refers to a $550 annual fee for the Student’s time in the program. This fee is paid directly at the time of registration and will be automatically renewed unless otherwise indicated by the student. Students can maintain their access to the platform post-graduation, which will give them continued access to learning resources and live training sessions (Learning Labs and Skill-Up Seminars);
b) Course tuition. This refers to tuition costs associated with the three required courses: Developing Powerful Enneagram Skills, Providing Effective Enneagram Solutions, and one of two retreats: The Experiential Enneagram OR The Psychological Enneagram. Tuition tends to range from $1250-$2000 per course and does not include travel or accommodations. Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
c) Individual coaching sessions. This refers to the individual sessions that students book with their assigned coaches. The fees are approximately $125 per session and are paid directly to the assigned coach. Students will be required to complete a minimum of nine (09) coaching sessions for a total investment of $1125.
d) Annual subscription to the CP Online Learning Platform. This refers to the CP Online library of online sessions as well as twelve (12) one-hour live webinars with Beatrice Chestnut and/or Uranio Paes as well as four (04) two-hour Q&A sessions with Beatrice Chestnut and/or Uranio Paes. The annual fee is $275 and is automatically renewable unless canceled. Students are required to have this subscription during their time in the Professional Certification Program.
The total range of investment, depending on the time the student takes to complete the program is as follows:
- One-Year Program Approximate Investment: $6450
- Two-Year Program Approximate Investment: $7275
The minimum possible period of time required to complete the professional certification program is one (01) year. This is possible for Students with a good amount of previous experience in workshop professionally with the Enneagram. The maximum time is two (02) years, starting from the date of the program registration. Each required course must be completed within twenty-four (24) months of the Student's program completion in order to count toward the Student's certification. Students whose time in the program exceeds twenty-four (24) months may retake any course needed to complete the program. In this case, the Student will pay for the course at a discount.
CP Enneagram Academy, including the Supervisor in consultation with Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes, reserves the right to assess the Student’s eligibility for professional certification and may postpone the Student’s graduation due to one or more of the following reasons:
- incomplete or low-quality assignments, poor grades in assessments;
- lack of commitment to the program/supervision process;
- lack of knowledge of one or more fundamental concepts;
- lack of commitment to continuous inner work;
- lack of commitment to the code of conduct.
In the case of graduation delays, supervisors and instructors will provide Students with additional study materials, courses, and assessments to improve the Student's knowledge of a given topic. They may also recommend psychotherapy to tackle a given personal issue that may impact the student’s progress and will provide a list of therapy recommendations at different price points, if applicable.
The Academy also reserves the right to disqualify a Student due to an ethical breach, such as:
- inappropriate or predatory behavior within or outside of the CP community;
- leveraging Enneagram knowledge to cause psychological or other harm to clients or other students;
- misuse of power for personal advantages or advances;
- abuse or harm of any sort;
- use of CP brand or material without prior authorization; or
- misuse of previously-taught Enneagram concepts.
These specifications may be changed by the Academy at any time and will be announced as updated terms if updated.
By registering for the Professional Certification Program you confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to the above Terms and Conditions.